Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Spring Cleaning: Closet Organizing!

Sure, we all wish we had a clost like Khloe Kardashian or Mariah Carey. But reality hits, and we don't. A girl can dream, right?

Here are some tips to making your closet more organized (so you have room for more clothes, of course!): Get into the habit of rotating your clothes seasonally so that half of your clothing is out of site at all times (I put mine in plastic containers under my bed). Color coordinate and organize by sleeve length (cami, tank, short sleeve, 3 quarter, long sleeve). My best friend just helped me do this for my closet, and it cuts my time getting dressed in the morning in half.

On the back of your door, try hanging a shoe rack. You can also try hanging a full-length mirror , which will make the closet look bigger and give you a way to check out your outfit in the morning.

Use in the right kind of hanger for the type of clothing you are hanging. Use padded hangers for items made from delicate fabrics, plastic hangers for button-down shirts, and sturdy wood hangers for blazers.
I use space saving hangers for all my camis and tanks and tie hangers for all my belts.

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